Jared Leto's surprise appearance on Monday's show left viewers puzzled. On Monday, the Morbius actor surprised fans by appearing on the iconic game show with Vanna White. "Introducing our show's stars: Jared Leto and Vanna White," the announcer said, as the audience applauded. Leto, the Suicide Squad actor, greeted White, 67, and wished her a great show before starting the game at the wheel, without explaining his role. "Alright, grab those devices. It's time to give away money," he said to the three contestants, who looked perplexed as the show's usual host, Pat Sajak, was replaced.
The unexpected appearance by the Oscar-winning actor was later revealed on Facebook to be an April Fools' Day prank. "Did you notice anything different in tonight's show?! #AprilFools," tweeted the account on Monday night, delighting their 1 million followers. Fans expressed their relief and excitement in the comments, thrilled to see Leto make an appearance. Leto is known for his eccentric antics, such as bungee jumping onto stage and climbing the Empire State building to announce a new album for Thirty Seconds to Mars.
Haha! Caught and shocked! One fan wrote, "That's not Ryan Seacrest! And Pat didn't even say bye." This refers to how American Idol host, Ryan Seacrest, will replace Sajak in the fall. The confusion was worsened when Leto was replaced by the show's usual host after the first puzzle. The switch happened again without explanation. "I thought I was seeing things! 🤣 I asked my husband, 'did you just see Jared Leto???'‘‘ another person wrote.
The real changing of the guard from Sajak to Seacrest occurs in the fall of the 2024-2025 season, marking the end of an era on Wheel of Fortune. Sajak has been holding the cue cards since 1981.
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