Mark Consuelos, 53, revealed on Live With Kelly and Mark that his beloved jeans constantly trigger airport security. The "front area" is usually the issue. Consuelos mentioned a pair of jeans he travels with and enjoys. I have comfy jeans, they're soft and not tight. Great! Every time I go through the metal detector, it goes off.
I keep getting frisked, even though my jeans are not equipped with any extra zippers or rivets that could trigger the alarm. The TSA agent, typically a big guy, asked to pat him down and offered a private room. Recently, Consuelos was stopped on his return from California. "This time, they simply said 'Random!' So, I went in. He repeated it and wore a glove," he remembered. "I'm like, 'What are we doing? Just second base, right?' Consuelos and Ripa often share funny personal stories on live TV.
In a June 2019 episode, Ripa mentioned their daughter walking in on them during sex on her 18th birthday and making eye contact." Thanks for ruining my bday. And thanks for ruining my life. "Lola said everything is gray now!"- Ripa recalled before the door shut. Their daughter called them "disgusting" and told them to "chill." Ripa revealed that they had been intimate in various locations, such as a public bathroom, boat, and the set of All My Children.
Andy Cohen asked if they had ever done it in Ripa's house. Ripa confirmed that they had, specifying it occurred at their vacation home in Fire Island, New York. Cohen exclaimed, "That was a day trip!" Ripa also joked about having sex in the rented house, saying she didn't think she was disrespecting anything the owner owned.