In a profound loss for Tamil Nadu, veteran journalist and son-in-law of the late Chief Minister Karunanidhi, Murasoli Selvam, passed away today in Bengaluru due to a sudden heart attack. His death has sent shockwaves across political circles. Murasoli Selvam, who was residing in Bengaluru, was rushed to S.R. Ramaiah Hospital following a cardiac arrest, but despite medical efforts, he could not be saved.
Selvam's mortal remains were brought to Chennai, where his body was placed at his Gopalapuram residence. Political leaders from across the state gathered to pay their respects. Former Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam (OPS) was one of the first to offer his condolences in person. He placed a garland on Selvam’s body and later, in a touching moment, was seen holding the hand of Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, offering him words of solace.
Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin was visibly emotional as he mourned the loss of his uncle. Other leaders, including Minister Duraimurugan, were also seen deeply affected, with Duraimurugan breaking down in tears upon seeing Selvam's body.
Murasoli Selvam, who was married to Selvi, the daughter of Karunanidhi, leaves behind his wife and their daughter, Ezhilarasi Jyothimani. A prominent journalist, Selvam was well-regarded for his incisive columns titled "Silandi" in the Murasoli newspaper. Beyond journalism, he also made contributions to Tamil cinema as a producer, further extending his legacy within the state's cultural and political landscape.
Selvam's passing marks the end of an era, leaving a void in both media and politics. His death has brought together leaders from across party lines to honor his memory and offer support to his grieving family.
Murasoli Selvam's Legacy:
Born into a family deeply entrenched in Tamil Nadu’s political history, Selvam played a significant role in both journalism and cinema. His contributions to the Murasoli newspaper, a publication with deep ties to the Dravidian movement, made him a respected voice in political commentary. His columns, often published under the title Silandi, were known for their sharp analysis and unwavering commitment to the causes he believed in.
In addition to his work in media, Selvam also ventured into film production, contributing to several Tamil films. His dedication to Tamil Nadu’s cultural and political fabric will be remembered for years to come.
Selvam's untimely death has drawn an outpouring of grief, with many political leaders, media personalities, and citizens expressing their condolences. His influence on Tamil Nadu’s media and political landscape remains indelible, and his memory will continue to inspire future generations.
As Tamil Nadu bids farewell to one of its stalwarts, the state unites in mourning the loss of a man who left a lasting impact on both journalism and politics.